
MoreNiche LTD

Saturday, December 15, 2012

5 Healthy Foods Cause Obesity

Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, honey is a natural sweetener that is healthier than sugar and whole grain cereals are a good breakfast choice. But do you know many foods labeled "healthy" are high in fat, sugar and salt, especially if it has been through processing. Just because a food is labeled healthy, many people mistakenly assume interpret these foods can be eaten as much and as often as possible without fear of being fat.

This is a 5 healthy foods cause obesity

1. Breakfast Cereals

Many studies show that people who eat cereal at breakfast tend to be slimmer than those who do not. But note, only if they eat the right brand cereal. Some brands and types of cereal in a box containing high sugar and fat. Do not buy cereal with a variety of flavors or coated in chocolate and sugar. Always read the label on the packaging information nutritional value. Choose low-calorie, high in fiber and contains no sugar and other additives. Better yet, if it is made from whole grains.

2. Honey

You think the honey is much healthier and more natural than sugar? Not necessarily true, because both have glucose content equally high. Plus because honey is more dense, a tablespoon of it contains more calories than sugar. So even though the healthy and natural, You still have to limit consuming it. Simply add a teaspoon of honey in beverages or food. If excessive, do not be surprised if you become obese.

3. Low Calorie Diet Drinks

Many diet drinks that promise immediately slim your body by consuming it. With the label 'low calorie', that many people are tempted because it means they can drink it anytime without having to be fat. But according to experts, diet drinks can actually damage the diet program itself.

Artificial sweeteners contained in it can make the body think he was eating sugar. But the brain can not be 'tricked' that easy. The brain will send signals that make your stomach more hungry and eat more. That's why eating a diet drink actually makes people add more weight.

4. Low Calorie Salad Dressing

Do not immediately believe the salad dressing in the box labeled low in calories. Researchers at Iowa State University, USA, found that low-calorie salad dressing would eliminate some of the goodness of the salad. Make your own salad dressing using olive oil or a little butter. Both works to increase your intake of vitamins for healthy fat helps your body absorb the nutrients from the vegetables more efficiently.

5. Skimmed Milk

Many people advised to avoid dairy milk and replace it with skim milk. However, some studies suggest, whole milk is actually better than skim milk. Whole milk contains only about four percent of fat per 100 ml,16% lower than full cream milk. Meanwhile, skim milk, contains 0.1%  fat, which means, the difference between the fat content of skim milk and whole milk is not too big.

Why is better to consume whole milk? Because skim milk has less nutrition. Whole milk, containing vitamins A, D, E and K. The study also revealed that whole milk can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories during exercise.

So, what do you think, do you still believe in the foods labeled healthy. And consuming it without suspicion that the food can cause obesity in yourself.

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